
Maglalang's new work are subconscious peering of the soul.


In Nilay-nilay, the artist ask us to contemplate about life, its journey, and passions. As one traverses their own paths, there comes a time when one must take the road less traveled. More often that not these entail a lonesome ordeal, one where the perils and boons are far and unseen. In these journeys, moment of recompense are valued; time alone to read, a brief rest on a private retreat, the luxury of being able to sit and think. The hardships are half of the journey, the other half, is the state of being thankful. It is the bliss one experiences as one goes through all the twists and turns, the little things that makes everything worthwhile.


Lyndon also states that all of these are acts of professing his faith. He believes that the darkness is there to prove the light. Each of his works are meditations on these very themes and he applies the same religious toil as when he does his prayers and readings. He mentions of forming a routine of the soul, where the main aspect is keeping a hopeful heart even in dire times.


Grateful for a lot of things, he also finds the things he talks about manifested in the people around him and further builds his idea of faith. The ups and downs both share the same appreciation for a life worth living. For him, these messages truly are worth contemplating.


Written by Jerome Destacamento




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